If the Hive had an Enneagram Number. . .

I love a good personality test! One of my favorites is the Enneagram which defines 9 personality types. I find it so fun to learn which personality types people are and it really helps me to better understand how to communicate and engage with them. I am an Enneagram 2 (the helper) and one of the first reasons I started beekeeping is because I began learning about the bee crisis in our world and felt this draw to understand and to help. Makes sense knowing I’m a 2, right?

One day I started wondering, “What if my beehive had an Enneagram number? What would it be?!” I found it fun to think about all of the ways that my bees relate to each number. So, I thought it could be fun to share some bee facts with you all using the Enneagram tool. This summer series will not be a study on the Enneagram, but there are some really great resources that teach about it if you are interested. It will simply be a fun way to share more about these amazing little creatures and all that they do in our world.

So, I hope you enjoy a summer of Bee Enneagram for our Bee Fact Fridays!


Enneahive One


Day 28: Make plans to have coffee