Bee a friend, plant a flower


Did you know there are over 20,000 known species of bees in the world? When we talk about saving the bees we mean all of them, because it’s not only the honeybee that is in danger of extinction. There are actually 4,000 species of native bees in North America and most are solitary meaning they live on their own.

Many native bees are stingless, as are all male bees in all species-even the honeybee. Only the female honeybees can sting and they are the only bees that die after stinging because they have a barbed stinger, which looks a bit like a lightning rod. They can sting other insects and survive but mammals skin is too thick for the stinger to come back out.

Here are some ways you can help save our wee bee friends!

Let some of the dandelions and thistles grow. Many things we consider weeds are actually the bees first food in the spring.

Plant pollinator-friendly plants and flowers.

Avoid using pesticides when possible and choose the least toxic when it’s absolutely necessary.

Buy local and organic as much as you’re able

Consider putting out a fresh water source for pollinators to get a drink. Don’t forget rocks or small sticks for them to land on.

Support your local beekeepers by buying honey!


Celebrate the Weekend


Bees wear pants. . . well sort of